Main publications related to the CONTSID Toolbox
H. Garnier, M. Gilson, H. Muller, F. Chen, A new Graphical User Interface for the CONTSID toolbox for Matlab, IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID’2021), Padova (Italy), July, 2021. pdf
V. Pascu, H. Garnier, L. Ljung, A. Janot. Benchmark problems for continuous-time model identification: design aspects, results and perspectives, Automatica, 107, 511-517, Sept. 2019.
H. Garnier, M. Gilson. CONTSID: a Matlab toolbox for standard and advanced identification of black-box continuous-time models. 18th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID’2018), Stockholm (Sweden), July 2018. pdf
H. Garnier. Direct continuous-time approaches to system identification. Overview and benefits for practical applications. European Journal of Control, 24, 50–62, July 2015.
H. Garnier and L. Wang (Eds.), Identification of continuous-time models from sampled data. Springer-Verlag, London, 2008.
Book chapters
H. Garnier, M. Gilson, T. Bastogne, M. Mensler, CONTSID toolbox: a software support for continuous-time data-based modelling. In Identification of continuous-time models from sampled data, H. Garnier and L. Wang (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, London, pp. 249-290, 2008.
H. Garnier, L. Wang, P.C. Young, Direct identification of continuous-time models from sampled data: issues, basic solutions and relevance. In Identification of continuous-time models from sampled data, H. Garnier and L. Wang (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, London, pp. 1-30, 2008.
M. Gilson, H. Garnier, P.C. Young, P. Van den Hof, Instrumental variable methods for continuous-time closed-loop model identification. In Identification of continuous-time models from sampled data, H. Garnier and L. Wang (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, London, pp. 133-160, 2008.
P.C. Young, H. Garnier, M. Gilson, Refined instrumental variable identification of continuous-time hybrid Box-Jenkins models. In Identification of continuous-time models from sampled data, H. Garnier and L. Wang (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, London, pp. 91-132, 2008.
V. Laurain, M. Gilson, H. Garnier, Refined Instrumental Variable Methods for Hammerstein Box-Jenkins Models. In System Identification, Environmental Modelling, and Control System Design, L. Wang and H. Garnier (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, London, pp. 27-47, 2012.
Journal Papers
F. Chen, H. Garnier, M. Gilson. Robust identification of continuous-time models with arbitrary time-delay from irregularly sampled data, Journal of Process Control, 25, 19-27, 2015.
H. Garnier, P.C. Young. The advantages of directly identifying continuous-time transfer function models in practical applications. International Journal of Control, 87(7), 1319-1338, July 2014.
B. Ni, M. Gilson, H. Garnier. A refined instrumental variable method for Hammerstein-Wiener continuous-time model identification, IET Control Theory & Applications, 7(9), 1276-1286, 2013.
J. Schorsch, H. Garnier, M. Gilson, P.C. Young. Instrumental variable methods for identifying partial differential equation models, International Journal of Control, 86(12), 2325-2335, 2013.
V. Laurain, R. Toth, M. Gilson, H. Garnier. Direct identification of continuous-time LPV input/output models. IET Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 5, n° 7, pp. 878–888, May 2011.
S. Thil, H. Garnier, M. Gilson. Third-order cumulants based method for continuous–time errors–in–variables model identification. Automatica, 44 (3), pp. 647-658, March 2008.
H. Garnier, M. Gilson, T. Bastogne. Identification de modèles paramétriques à temps continu. Méthodes et développements récents, Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, n° spécial « Identification des Systèmes », Vol. 42, n° 2-3, pp. 233-260, 2008, in French.
S. Thil, H. Garnier, M. Gilson. Cumulant–based methods for continuous–time errors–in–variables model identification. Automatica, Vol. 44(3), pp. 647-658, March 2008.
H. Garnier, M. Gilson, P.C. Young, and E. Huselstein. An optimal IV technique for identifying continuous-time transfer function model of multiple input systems. Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 15 (4), pp. 471-486, April 2007.
K. Mahata, H. Garnier, Identification of continuous-time errors-in-variables models, Automatica, Vol. 42 (9), pp. 1470-1490, September 2006.
P. Young, H. Garnier, Identification and estimation of continuous-time data-based mechanistic models for environmental systems. Environmental Modelling and Software, 21 (8), pp. 1055-1072, August 2006.
S. Moussaoui, D. Brie, A. Richard. Regularization aspects in continuous-time model identification. Automatica, 41(2), pp. 197-208, February 2005.
G.P. Rao, H. Garnier, Identification of continuous-time systems: direct or indirect ? Systems Science, vol. 30, n° 3, pp. 25-50, 2004.
H. Garnier, M. Mensler, A. Richard, Continuous-time model identification from sampled data: implementation issues and performance evaluation. International Journal of Control, Vol. 76, n°13, pp. 1337-1357, 2003.
T. Bastogne, H. Garnier, P. Sibille. A PMF-based subspace method for continuous-time model identification. Application to a multivariable winding process. International Journal of Control, vol. 74, n° 2, pp. 118-132, January 2001.
H. Garnier, M. Gilson, W.X. Zheng. A bias-eliminated least-squares method for continuous-time model identification of closed-loop systems. International Journal of Control, vol. 73, n°1, pp. 38-48, January 2000.
Conference Papers
A. Padilla, H. Garnier, M. Gilson. Version 7.0 of the CONTSID toolbox. 17th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID’2015), Beijing (China), Oct. 2015. pdf
H. Garnier, M. Gilson, V. Laurain, B. Ni. Developments for the CONTSID toolbox for Matlab. 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID’2012), Brussels (Belgium), July 2012.
H. Garnier, M. Gilson, V. Laurain. The CONTSID toolbox for Matlab: extensions and latest developments. 15th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID’2009), Saint-Malo (France), July 2009.
H. Garnier, M. Gilson, and O. Cervellin. Latest developments for the Matlab CONTSID toolbox. 14th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID’2006), Newcastle (Australia), pp. 714-719, March 2006.
H. Garnier, M. Gilson, E. Huselstein, Developments for the Matlab CONTSID toolbox. 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2003), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, August 2003.
H. Garnier. Continuous-time model identification of real-life processes with the CONTSID toolbox.15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Barcelona - Spain, July 2002.
G.P. Rao, H. Garnier. Numerical illustrations of the relevance of direct continuous-time model identification. 15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Barcelona - Spain, July 2002.
H. Garnier, M. Mensler. The CONTSID toolbox: a Matlab toolbox for continuous-time system identification. 12th Symposium on System Identification SYSID 2000, Santa Barbara, USA, 21-23 June 2000.
M. Mensler, H. Garnier, E. Huselstein. Experimental comparison of continuous-time model identification methods on a thermal process. 12th Symposium on System Identification SYSID 2000, Santa Barbara, USA, 21-23 June 2000.
H. Garnier, M. Mensler. CONTSID - A continuous-time system identification toolbox for Matlab. 5th European Control Conference ECC 99, Karlsruhe, Germany, August 31 - September 3, 1999.
M. Mensler, H. Garnier, A. Richard, P. Sibille. Comparison of sixteen continuous-time identification methods with the CONTSID toolbox. 5th European Control Conference ECC 99, Karlsruhe, Germany, August 31 - September 3, 1999.
M. Mensler. Analyse et étude comparative de méthodes d’identification de systèmes à représentation continue. Développement d’une boîte à outils logicielle. PhD Thesis Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy 1, January 1999, in French.